“Stop The Traffic!”
Imagine If Today, You Put Into Motion A Few Small Actions That In Just A Few Short Weeks Delivered An Unstoppable Flood Of Traffic And Sales In Which The Only Way You Could Shut It Off Would Be To Call Your Web Host…
…And Insult His Mother!
Warning: One of The Most Startling, Confidential, and Talked About Money Making Marketing Strategies Ever Compiled In One Book May Now Be Available To You!
hat do these sales figures above represent? These are the astonishing sales totals of one of the internets most successful product launches for a home study course. So why I am sharing that with you?
Good question…
These totals are the results of sales of the $997.00 home study course called “Butterfly Marketing.” And unless you were in marketing hibernation, you would remember getting assaulted with a barrage of emails leading up to and beyond the date of January 31st, 2006
Butterfly Marketing sent shock waves through our entire industry. It changed lives for hundreds of people almost over night.
The Introductory Price: $997.00…
Now selling for $1497.00…
Soon to go as high as $2497.00? - And Worth Every Penny, and those that have it know it.
Of course, for $997.00 people got access to the most incredible marketing related, profit spitting, website creating software ever released (as well as many other multi-media interviews with the worlds leading experts.)
for many, myself included,…
Sales page: http://www.thebutterflymarketingmanuscript.com/
Download Link
Available on UseNext (Free)