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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rank Enhancer - Improve Your Website Ranking

So what is this all about?

Have you heard of Alexa.com? If you have been working to improve your websites search engine placement, then I am SURE you know who they are. If not, Alexa.com is owned by interent giant Amazon.com. Alexa is designed to "RANK" websites by their popularity (number of visitors), links, etc. Alexa uses the Google search engine and others to gather this information to see which websites are getting the most traffic. Based on the info that they receive, they place the sites in a ranking list from 1 to 6 million.

The top sites, like Yahoo, Ebay, Microsoft, all know that "Traffic Ranking" and search engine placement is the "KEY" to building their internet presence. Popularity is based on Traffic. The MORE people that visit your site, the MORE people will review your service or product, which means the MORE people will BUY what you have to sell. Be it a new computer, skin creme, a diet supplement, the latest DVD, or simply some form of information. ALL these have one thing in common. NO Traffic, NO Sales....

By improving your ranking and search engine placement, you will build your Traffic which in turn will make MORE Sales. There are many ways to build your sites traffic, but when first starting, it is very difficult. Rank Enhancer can help speed things up, whether you site just went online, or you have been around for years!

Rank Enhancer has found a way to help you improve your ranking and placement by using special technology that tricks these systems into thinking 1000s of vistors are already coming to your website. When the search engine spiders crawl your site, and see all this activity, this helps move you up the ladder.

Download File:Rank Enhancer
File Size:1,5 Mb
File Type: zip

How to download?

To download this file you will need the UseNeXT download client.
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